Top 6 security tips for moving into a new home

Top 6 security tips for moving into a new home

According to a recent survey, more than 80% of moves in the United States happen between April and September. And that means that if you’re thinking of moving this year, it’s probably going to be in the next few months.

And unfortunately, moving is one of the times that our homes can be the most vulnerable. Not only are moving trucks one of the things that burglars often look for when choosing their next victim, but few people have their home security system activated immediately after moving in.

So if you’re moving soon, here are some simple recommendations that can help you keep your home secure.

1. Make sure your landscaping is properly trimmed
Everyone cares for their home differently – especially when it comes to landscaping. But did you know that one of the easiest home security tips is trimming back bushes and hedges around windows? Full or overgrown shrubbery often provide a good hiding place for would-be burglars, but keeping that greenery trimmed back can reduce that risk from your property.

2. Setup your outdoor cameras in the right places
At Chorus, we’re big fans of outdoor cameras. And because the technology keeps getting better and better – and it’s integrated into both your app and panel – we recommend having at least 1 if not 2 outdoor cameras on your back and/or side entrances to your home. And with video analytics, it can help you know if it’s a person or an animal outside your home.

3. Find all the hidden keys
Whether it’s for the neighbor to water our plants or the just-in-case key when you lock your keys in your car, most all of us have a hidden key somewhere outside our homes. And when someone moves out of a home, the movers don’t always know to pick up that spare key from underneath that flower pot. We recommend taking two approaches: ask the seller about hidden keys at closing and do a quick sweep yourself when you move it. All of us know the likely hiding places, so do a quick search of the obvious places around the front porch and the back entry to make sure there’s no keys hiding in plain sight.

4. Doorbell cameras
Today’s burglars are as creative as ever. And when you move into a new neighborhood, that also means lots of new faces from neighbors, movers, contractors, and service professionals. Burglars are also well aware of this fact and are less afraid to be nosing around. Then why is a doorbell camera so important? 34% of burglaries come through the front door, and a good doorbell camera will catch someone snooping about. Plus, new homeowners often have lots of packages on the front porch, and there’s no better protection than a video doorbell.

5. Get rid of moving boxes quickly
Burglars know that people moving tend to be more distracted and vulnerable to break-ins, which is why they also know to look for moving boxes at the curb. On the first few days after moving, make sure you don’t leave a massive pile of moving boxes at the curb or piled up around your home. It’s a tell-tale sign that your life is chaos right now and you might not be as vigilant on locking your doors and windows as you might usually be.

6. Invest in a SmartHome security system ASAP
And the last but most important step? Contact the team at Chorus to help you install a new SmartHome security system. Regardless of the security system in your previous house, every location has its own unique security needs, from outdoor cameras to carbon monoxide sensors. Click here to get in touch with our team so a sales professional can come out to your new house, on your schedule, and get you a free quote for a new home security system.

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