Chorus wins top Hoover Commercial Beautification Award for 2022

Chorus wins top Hoover Commercial Beautification Award for 2022

Chorus Headquarters was honored at the 2022 Hoover Beautification Board Commercial Award presentation. Chorus President Rob Hardman and Aaron Sanders of Acre Landscape accepted the award for Single Tenant Businesses and the Mayor’s Award as the overall winner in the City of Hoover.

The Commercial Beautification Award highlights Hoover business owners, public facility administrators, and ground maintenance supervisors for outstanding dedication to their properties. These show stopping grounds improve the city of Hoover’s curb appeal, attract other businesses to the area, and contribute to a cleaner environment.

Properties are selected biannually based on overall appearance, the creativity of the landscape, and architecture. We are pleased to share the spotlight this year with 11 other commercial winners.

As a local security company, our expertise is not exterior landscaping. So we thank Acre Lawn and Landscape for their commitment to maintaining and continually improving this property for the past four years.

Chorus wins top Hoover Commercial Beautification Award for 2022

This award reflects the quality and appearance of the exterior, and it opens the door for us to brag on the inside. 2183 Parkway Lake Drive features a top-notch commercial security and automation system installed by our team of professionals.

Are you interested in upgrading your home or office security system? We invite you to schedule a tour to demo the latest in home and commercial-smart technologies and security systems.

Thank you again to the Hoover Beautification Board for this award!

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Chorus was recognized as one of the top monitoring companies in the US, being awarded as the 2023 CMS Dealer of the Year.